Does the NLRB Think Your Employment Policies Are Legal?

11 Polices You and the NLRB Might Disagree On

Do you think all of your polices and handbook statements are up-to-date and legally compliant? The NLRB just might disagree.

You have probably heard about the report the NLRB issued on March 18, 2015 that goes through what they consider acceptable and unacceptable policy statements. If you want to comply, you don't want your statements to be too broad. You also don't want them to be interpreted as violating employee's NLRB-given rights. However, you most definitely do not want to forgo having policies completely. So where is the middle ground?

In this whitepaper, we help you figure out this very issue by looking at 11 employment policies you might think are legal, but that the NLRB does not. Plus we'll take you through samples of unlawful and lawful policy language found for each of the policies covered:

  • Social Media Policy
  • No Distribution/ No Solicitation Provision
  • Confidentiality Policy
  • Policy Regulating Conduct towards the Employer
  • Policy Regulating Conduct toward Fellow Employees
  • Policy Regulating Employee Interaction with Third Parties
  • Policy Restricting Use of Company Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks
  • Policy Restricting Photography, Recording or Personal Electronic Devices
  • Policy Restricting Employees from Leaving Work
  • Conflict-of-Interest Policy
  • Handbook Disclosure Provision

If you want to make sure you are correctly following all of the NLRB's varied requirements, then download this whitepaper today!

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