Brightmine Insight Hub

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Welcome to Brightmine Insight Hub

Be part of the HR conversation

Brightmine Insight Hub is an exclusive online research community of HR professionals and business leaders. Using our online platform, you can regularly share your honest feedback on Brightmine features and new product ideas. Join other like-minded professionals and take part in tasks, polls and interactive activities to share your views on everything from HR hot topics to new product ideas at Brightmine.

Plus, as an active member you'll be eligible for rewards and participation incentives!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about Brightmine Insight Hub. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please email for help.

How often will I be asked to take part?
Tasks and activities will be added roughly regularly (roughly once every 1-2 weeks). You can choose when to take part in tasks and activities - whenever suits you best. Most tasks will take no longer than 15 minutes to complete, and some will be much shorter. From time to time, you may be invited to a more in-depth discussion around some of your feedback or a new product design, but this will be entirely optional.

How will my feedback be used?
All your conversations and answers won't be shared outside of Brightmine and are for internal use only. As a team, we'll review all the feedback and comments made, and then share high-level insights from the results back to the community. While we can't promise to reflect all feedback into our products, be assured that we'll pay close attention to everything you contribute as we continually work on meeting your business needs.

How do I get more information on how my personal data will be used?
You can find information regarding personal data in our privacy policy and privacy policy (California). For further information, you can email us at

What are the rules on posting in this community? Is there anything I should consider?
This community follows the rules of general "etiquette". You can find a full description in the terms and conditions.

Who manages the community?
This community is hosted by FlexMR on behalf of Brightmine.

If you have any questions relating to the community, please email

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