Leveraging HR Strategy to Boost Retail Industry Success

Move from HR taskmaster to trusted HR advisor

New overtime rules. Multiple locations that cross local, state and national lines. High turnover. Tight labor market. Increasing regulation and scrutiny. Data security issues. Mergers and acquisitions.

There are a myriad of issues facing the retail industry that can cause HR pros to be mired in tactical details that keep them tethered to their desks and relegated to a low-impact support function. It's time to break free from minutiae to focus on what really matters - strategy!

This eBook provides practical advice, examples and best practices for becoming a trusted advisor to the C-suite. You'll learn about:

  • What being strategic really means
  • Overcoming the barriers to strategic action
  • How to effectively engage with senior leaders
  • Ways and resources to boost strategic competencies
  • And more!

Get the advice you need, from experts you can trust, to help you position your HR function to handle the strategic challenges you face in retail settings.

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