With the national conversation on the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements continuing across many industries, now is the time for employers to create a fair and safe workplace environment for all.
New York and New York City have enacted aggressive legal measures meant to combat sexual harassment in the workplace and to increase transparency around the issue. The legislative and regulatory changes occurred in quick succession in 2018, and compliance deadlines for New York City employers continue through 2020.
Compliance Checklist
Customizable checklist to help a New York employer remain in compliance with applicable federal, state and New York City laws and regulations such as:
Training Requirements
This guide provides some of the sexual harassment prevention training requirements applying to private employers, whether in New York State or New York City, under the relevant Human Rights Law including:
Prevention Compliance Timeline
The chart summarizes major harassment prevention provisions affecting New York employers to help you comply with the complex and overlapping requirements including:
Podcast: Sexual Harassment 2.0, What Now?
This podcast features a wide-ranging conversation with the attorney Jonathan Segal at the annual SHRM conference about sexual harassment and workplace relationships, including: