- Type:
- Legal Timetable
- Type:
- Employment Law Guide
Updated to reflect amendments to the Illinois Freedom to Work Act regarding excluded employees, effective January 1 and February 7, 2025.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Updated statement to clarify that leave under this policy is limited to four workweeks in any 12-month period.
- Type:
- Legal Timetable
- Type:
- Training
The Illinois Sexual Harassment Prevention supervisor training, which provides training on Illinois law regarding sexual harassment in the workplace, has been enhanced to improve the content and appearance of the PowerPoint presentation.
- Type:
- Legal Timetable
- Type:
- Employment Law Guide
Updated to reflect forthcoming developments regarding the subminimum wage for individuals with disabilities.
- Type:
- Employment Law Guide
Updated to amendment requiring employers to allow employees to enroll in the program at any time, beginning January 1, 2025.
- Type:
- Employment Law Guide
Updated to reflect an increase in the state minimum wage, effective January 1, 2025.
- Type:
- Employment Law Guide
Updated to reflect amendments to the Personnel Record Review Act, including documents employees may request, procedures for submitting and responding to requests, and enforcement provisions, effective January 1, 2025.