Gain professional traction with talent metrics that matter (to the C-Suite)
Data matters, even - and especially - when it comes to talent management. In an increasingly service-based economy, the cost of human resources is often the first item on any organization's balance sheet. It's a cost that, ideally, is offset through the productive contributions of an organization's employees. But, far too often, the value of these contributions are never known. Why? Because the cost/benefit of talent management is rarely measured.
HR professionals can demonstrate their strategic value by taking a more data-driven approach to talent management, and this eBook will show you how. In it you will learn:
- Practical ideas for thinking strategically about where you can best put data to use
- Commonly used metrics that should be on your dashboard
- How to use internal and external benchmarking to boost performance
- How to building solid business cases through the use of talent metrics
- How to avoid data overload by focusing on need-to-know metrics
- How to cement your relationship with the C-suite
Download this eBook today and you'll be well on your way to proving the ROI of talent management from acquisition to retention and risk.