- Type:
- Letters and Forms
As mandated by the Illinois Department of Revenue, covered employers must keep a completed copy of the Illinois Employee's Statement of Nonresidence, IL-W-5-NR.
- Type:
- Letters and Forms
As mandated by the Illinois Department of Employment Security, covered employers must use the New Hire Reporting Form to report new hires.
- Type:
- Letters and Forms
As mandated by the Illinois Department of Labor, covered employers must use the Application for License to Employ a Learner at Subminimum Wages.
- Type:
- Letters and Forms
As mandated by the Illinois Department of Revenue, covered employers/payers must keep a completed copy of the Illinois Certificate of Residence in Illinois, IL-W-5.
- Type:
- Letters and Forms
As mandated by the Illinois Department of Labor, covered employers must use the Illinois Subminimum Wage Form to apply for a license to pay certain employees less than the Illinois minimum wage.