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Germany: Recruitment and selection

Updating authors: Kamissa Kruse and Anna Lehner, Osborne Clarke, Germany

Original author: Karen Ullmann

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  • Direct and indirect discrimination in access to employment is prohibited on various grounds. (See Discrimination)
  • Employers are responsible for the wording of job advertisements, which must not be discriminatory. (See Advertising vacancies)
  • There are various rules relating to the information that can be requested from candidates and to selection methods. (See Selection)
  • The minimum age for "regular" employment is 18, and the employment of children under the age of 15 is generally forbidden. (See Young people and children)
  • Employers with more than 20 employees must ensure that 5% of jobs are filled by people with "severe" disabilities. (See Employment of people with severe disabilities)
  • There are restrictions on recruiting nationals of countries outside the other 26 EU member states and the EEA countries. (See Foreign nationals)