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Updated to include changes to the ERGANI working time information system, effective from 11 September 2024.
Enhanced to include information on work schedule adjustments for employees with care responsibilities.
Enhanced to include new information on maternity and pregnancy rights.
Updated to reflect delays to the implementation on new rules regarding occupational fitness assessments.
Updated to reflect that remuneration will be paid in Euros when the new currency is adopted in Bulgaria.
Enhanced to include new information on proposed new supervisory powers for the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority and changes to the Civil Service Act.
Updated to reflect that the proposed changes to Local Agreements will enter into force on 1 January 2025.
Updated to reflect an increase to the monthly amount that is exempt from income tax and is not included in calculating compulsory social contributions.
Updated to reflect the proposed introduction of a new right for seriously ill employees to postpone maternity leave and new restrictions on non-disclosure agreements in discrimination cases.
Updated to include a temporary measure to remove the statutory requirement for the Social Security Minister to consult the Employment Forum on changes to the minimum wage.
HR practices and employment law in countries outside the USA, along with global HR issues.