New York
Updated title for style (formerly Safe and Sick Time Handbook Statement [1-4 Employees and Net Income of Less Than $1,000,000]: New York City, New York); updated threshold to incorporate state sick leave law; and updated statement and guidance to incorporate state sick leave law and reflect rules implementing city sick leave law, effective October 15, 2023.
Updated title for style (formerly Paid Safe and Sick Time Handbook Statement [5-99 Employees or 1-4 Employees and Net Income of $1,000,000 or More]: New York City, New York); updated threshold to incorporate state sick leave law; and updated statement and guidance to incorporate state sick leave law and reflect rules implementing city sick leave law, effective October 15, 2023.
Updated title for style (formerly Paid Safe and Sick Time Handbook Statement [100+ Employees]: New York City, New York); updated threshold to incorporate state sick leave law; and updated statement and guidance to incorporate state sick leave law and reflect rules implementing city sick leave law, effective October 15, 2023.
The New York City Commission on Human Rights has brought complaints against at least 32 employers since October 2023 for failing to comply with the city's pay transparency law.
Updated to reflect law prohibiting employers from requesting access information for personal applicant social media accounts, effective March 12, 2024.
Updated to reflect law extending the statute of limitations for discrimination and harassment claims, effective February 15, 2024.
Updated to reflect an increase in the minimum salaries for overtime-exempt executive and administrative employees, effective January 1, 2024.