XpertHR Partners

Meet Our Partners

Join our growing family of XpertHR partners across the country who are reselling or referring their customers to our revolutionary, award-winning service, designed to help HR professionals comply with global, federal, state and municipal employment law. Our partners know that our services are best-in-class, and truly value and recognize the benefits of aligning their organizations with the trusted and renowned brands of XpertHR, LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group, Reed Elsevier, and LexisNexis.

Learn how your company can become an XpertHR Partner.

Our partners include:

LexisNexis© is a leading global provider of content-enabled workflow solutions designed specifically for professionals in the legal, risk management, corporate, government, law enforcement, accounting, and academic markets.

A member of Reed Elsevier, LexisNexis serves customers in more than 100 countries with more than 15,000 employees worldwide. Primary source documents including federal and state legislation and case law on XpertHR is provided by our sister company, LexisNexis.

LivingHR is a pioneer in Talent Management Solutions, providing Human Resources and Organization Development solutions that are always customized to your company's mission, strategic goals and culture regardless of your company size. Our HR experts partner with your leadership and HR teams to align your people strategies with your business strategy. We help you create high performance cultures, align compensation with strategy, and with XpertHR, we help you get compliance out of the way so you can be a visible strategic partner that impacts your company's financial performance.

LivingHR is also proud to partner with the best in class HR technology providers, insurance agencies, benefits consultants and financial advisors to provide a value added service to their clients. Align your people and business strategies today. For more information, visit www.livinghr.com

Dovetail Software delivers a SaaS-based HR case management and Help Desk solution that manages and tracks employee interactions with HR - including employee grievances and general policy questions, payroll and benefits, recruiting-related questions and compliance issues.

Dovetail customers cite cost reduction of supplying support, increased productivity, access to complete records of employee interactions with HR, and visibility into analytics that help them improve their processes as key product benefits. For more information, visit www.dovetailsoftware.com.

The Employment Law Information Network ("ELIN") is a no-charge legal resource website that is designed for employment lawyers, in-house employment counsel and human resource professionals.

The concept behind ELIN is simple: we connect those who know about employment law (employment lawyers) with those who need to know about employment law (HR professionals). Our portal allows you to keep pace with the changing landscape of workplace law.

ELIN's mission is to remain the brand name resource for free employment law information on the Internet. The company is dedicated to providing quality content, reliable access, community spirit and customer service. For more information, visit www.elinfonet.com

If your organization is interested in partnering with XpertHR, including becoming an XpertHR referrer or reseller, please contact us.

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