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Norway: Contracts of employment

Original author: Kjerstin Falkum Løvik, Arntzen de Besche
Updating author: Kristine Fremstad Moen and Tonje Dalby Smedbøle, Advokatfirmaet Haavind

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  • In the case of employment relationships with a duration of more than one month, a written contract must be entered into as early as possible, and in any event no later than seven days after commencement of the employment. (See General)
  • The employer and employee may agree in writing at the start of the employment on a probationary period of up to six months. (See Probationary periods)
  • The main distinction in employment contracts is between open-ended and fixed-term contracts. (See Types of contract)
  • All employment relationships must be governed by a written contract of employment that provides a statutory minimum of factors of major significance for the relationship. (See Written contract of employment)
  • The terms of employment contracts can be amended only by mutual agreement between the employer and employee. (See Variation of contract)
  • The use of restrictive covenants in employment contracts is governed by rules contained in the Working Environment Act. (see Restrictive covenants)