Child Labor: Federal
Author: Cheryl D. Orr, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
- The FLSA provisions are targeted at both hours and the type of work performed by minors under age 16, and at barring hazardous work for minors who are under age 18. See 14- and 15-Year-Olds and 16- and 17-Year Olds.
- The requirements vary depending on the age of the minors and whether they are working in an agricultural or a non-agricultural setting. See 14- and 15-Year-Olds; 16- and 17-Year Olds and Agricultural Work.
- There are also specific exemptions for particular jobs. See Miscellaneous Exemptions.
- Employers should always maintain proof of age for all employees under the age of 19. See Certificates of Age.
State Requirements
The following states have additional requirements for this topic under applicable state law.
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