St. Paul, Minnesota, employers that provide an employee handbook to their employees are required by law to include a notice of employees' rights and remedies under the St. Paul Minimum Wage Ordinance.
Employers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) seeking to address the circumstances under which employees classified by the employer as nonexempt will receive overtime pay should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
California employers seeking to encourage and demonstrate compliance with the California law requiring employers to provide unpaid break time and a private room or location for employees to express breast milk are required by law to include this model policy statement in their handbook .
Updated guidance to reflect amendments relating to salary history inquiries and wage discussion and disclosure provisions, effective September 29, 2019.
Maine employers seeking to educate their workforces about the right to discuss wages under Maine's Equal Pay Law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
Nebraska employers seeking to emphasize compliance with, and educate their workforces about Nebraska's wage disclosure provisions, should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
Hawaii employers seeking emphasize compliance with, and educate their workforces about the law, should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
Maryland employers that have two or more full-time equivalent employees working in the City of Baltimore seeking to educate their employees about the availability of unpaid lactation break time and accommodation and to demonstrate compliance with the Baltimore Lactation Accommodations in the Workplace Ordinance (BLAWO) are required by law to include a lactation accommodation policy statement in their handbook if they have one.