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Jersey: Pay and benefits

Original author: Helen Ruelle, Mourant Ozannes
Updating author: Carla Benest, Mourant Ozannes

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  • It is an implied term of every employment contract that the employer will pay wages, and the employer must specify details of the remuneration to which the employee is entitled in the statement of terms of employment that it must provide to each employee. (See General)
  • Statute regulates the method and frequency of payment of wages, and requires employers to provide employees with itemised pay statements. (See Payment of wages)
  • Apart from income tax and social security contributions, and attachments of earnings ordered by a court, deductions from wages are permitted only where authorised by a written agreement between the employer and the employee. (See Deductions)
  • Female and male employees are entitled to equal pay for equal work. (See Equal pay)
  • A statutory minimum wage is payable to all employees aged 16 and above. (See Minimum wage)
  • A state old-age pension is generally payable from the age of 65, with the amount of the pension dependent on the individual's social security contribution history. While there is no statutory obligation to do so, many employers offer employees membership of a private or occupational pension scheme. (See Pensions)
  • Employers must deduct from each employee's pay the income tax and social security contributions that the employee is obliged to pay, and also make employer social security contributions. (See Income tax and social security)
  • Employees have no statutory right to time off due to sickness or injury, or to be paid by the employer when absent from work for these reasons, although they may be entitled to claim state incapacity allowance. (See Sick pay)
  • There is no legal requirement for employers to offer benefits in kind, but larger businesses often will choose to offer such benefits. (See Benefits in kind)