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Health Care Benefits: Colorado

Health Care Benefits requirements for other states

Federal law and guidance on this subject should be reviewed together with this section.

Authors: Stuart R. Buttrick, Mary L. Will and Tareen Zafrullah, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP


  • Colorado chose to establish a state-based Marketplace under the Affordable Care Act. See Health Insurance Marketplaces Under the ACA.
  • Same-sex marriage is legal nationwide. Colorado also recognizes civil unions. See Same-Sex Partner Benefits.
  • Colorado law mandates certain coverage provisions in relation to group and individual sickness and accident insurance policies. This includes coverage for maternity, newborn and dependent care, certain preventive health care services and screenings, and treatment for mental illness. See Mandatory Coverage Provisions in Colorado.
  • Health benefit plans issued to persons residing in a qualifying rural county must allow for health benefits to be provided by telemedicine. See Telemedicine.
  • Colorado has a statute governing medical savings accounts which applies to most Colorado employers except the federal government. See Medical Savings Accounts.