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Netherlands: Termination of employment

Updating author: Wouter Engelsman and Jasper Hoffstedde, CLINT | Littler

Original authors: Mark Carley and Robbert H. van het Kaar

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  • There are six basic procedures for terminating a contract of employment. (See General)
  • Save in certain cases, termination of an employment contract is subject to a statutory minimum notice period. (See Notice periods)
  • Employers and employees may mutually agree to terminate the employment contract via a written termination agreement. (See Termination by mutual consent)
  • An employer may dismiss an employee without notice for an "urgent" reason in certain circumstances. (See Summary dismissal)
  • Where an employer is proposing to dismiss an employee on economic grounds, or for long-term sickness absence, it must obtain a termination permit from the UWV before giving notice. (see Termination with authorisation from the UWV (Employee Insurance Agency))
  • Employers may seek dissolution of an employment contract in the courts on various grounds. (See Dismissal by court ruling)
  • There are various rules regarding terminations on the ground of redundancy. (See Redundancy)
  • There are various rules regarding when and how employees may challenge their dismissal. (See Unfair/unlawful termination)
  • Employees may be entitled to a severance payment under the statutory transition payment scheme. (See Severance compensation)