
All Items: Labor Relations

  • Employee's Epithets Protected Under Labor Law

    August 24, 2022

    Consistency is the key: An employer that fires an employee for vulgar speech that violates its antiharassment policy must be able to show it would have done the same even if the employee had not been engaging in activities protected by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).

  • Activision Employees Stage Walkout for LGBTQ, Reproductive Rights Protection

    July 27, 2022

    Possibly foretelling a trend in protected labor protests following the Supreme Court's ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, Activision Blizzard workers walked off the job recently to pressure the game design company to end gender inequity.

  • Connecticut Bans "Captive Audience" Meetings

    May 24, 2022

    Employers in Connecticut cannot compel employees to attend mandatory meetings held to dissuade employees from joining a union, effective July 1.

About This Category

News: HR and legal considerations for employers regarding the management of labor relations. Support and guidance on the ever growing field of labor law.