Updated to include information on forthcoming Handbook Template updates in the California, Illinois and New York supplements.
Updated to include information on the importance of selling the benefits package and to enhance information on auditing current benefit offerings and creating a clear communication plan.
This resource summarizes changes to our California coverage in Handbook Templates from an integrated handbook to a California Supplement.
Enhanced to address recent updates to the 2024 election season.
This resource summarizes the positions of the two leading candidates for the 2024 presidential election - Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump - on some of the issues that directly impact HR.
Updated to reflect the expiration status of COVID-19 recall and retention ordinances in the District of Columbia and Pasadena, California.
Brightmine offers many tools and resources to support global employers across the entire employment lifecycle from recruitment to termination of employment, including assistance with HR policies, procedures and practices.
Updated to remove the COVID-19 Quarantine or Isolation Order Leave Handbook Statement: New York due to the end of the COVID-19 state of emergency and the recent change in federal quarantine and isolation guidance that have made the eligibility requirements under New York's COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave Law unclear. The law expires on July 31, 2025.