HR & Compliance Center Joins Leading Technology Experts

Author: Tracy Morley, XpertHR Legal Editor

XpertHR is excited to be attending and exhibiting at Human Resource Executive's 15th Annual HR Technology Conference and Exposition in Chicago, October 8-10, 2012.

Focused on the HR professional, this year's conference is jam-packed with speakers, panels and sessions that provide practical solutions to today's technology challenges. I will be tweeting and blogging from this year's conference to share insights and observations from the conference sessions and the exhibitors.

The conference includes a number of sessions in tracks such as Recruiting, Outsourcing, Workforce Analytics & Planning and HCM & Workforce Management (to name only a few). Add to that sessions on cloud computing and social media and I am sure you can appreciate my happy much to do in so little time!

Be sure to look for live blogs on the XpertHR Employment Intelligence blog and tweets (@TracyMorley527) featuring the opening keynote by Tom Koulopoulos and the closing keynote by Marcia Conner. I also plan to check out some of the social media sessions, Naomi's Master Panel on moving HR technology into the cloud, discussions hosted by some of the foremost technology experts and innovative technologies that look to make HR's life easier. Be sure to stay tuned since this might change!

Stop by for a Visit

If you plan to be in Chicago we would love to see you! Visit XpertHR at booth 1078. Members of our team will be on hand to answer questions and provide demonstrations of the site.

While at the booth, enter for a chance to win an iPad!