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Coronavirus (COVID-19): Expiration Status of Temporary Leave Laws by State and Municipality

Author: Brightmine Editorial Team

The federal government, several states and some localities have passed temporary measures requiring covered employers to provide eligible employees with job-protected leave due to certain qualifying reasons related to COVID-19. This includes measures that are not primarily leave laws, but contain protected leave provisions.

Some of the laws have specific expiration dates. For others, the expiration date is open-ended and tied to the end of the COVID-19 state of emergency or the particular local public health emergency. Still others are emergency ordinances that are only effective for set time periods (e.g., 60 or 90 days). However, because emergency ordinances may be reenacted several times over the course of the pandemic, their expiration dates are continually changing.

The following chart provides the status of these temporary leave laws. More details about the laws' requirements are available by clicking on the name of each law. Jurisdictions that have not passed a temporary COVID-19 leave law are marked N/A.

Note that employees may also be entitled to leave related to COVID-19 under permanent laws, such paid sick leave, paid family leave and public health emergency leave laws. Such laws are summarized in the following 50-State Charts: