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Protecting and Encouraging Workplace Whistleblowers

Author: David Lewis
US Consultant: Brightmine Editorial Team


Several federal and state laws protect from retaliation employees who report in good faith an illegal or unethical practice or activity. Whistleblowing can cover an extensive range of matters, including mismanagement, fraud, and safety and health failures. In addition, many statutes protect employees who seek specific forms of redress (e.g., worker's compensation benefits) or engage in a protected activity (e.g., participating in a governmental investigation).

This guide explains the benefits of having effective internal whistleblowing procedures and helps employers introduce and manage a whistleblowing policy and procedure, encourage employees to raise concerns and ensure that concerns are dealt with appropriately. It is written in the context of the federal and industry-specific laws protecting individuals who make a covered disclosure from retaliatory termination and other adverse employment actions.