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Maintaining a Union-Free Workplace

Updating Author: Brightmine Editorial Team

Original Authors: Mark Goodwin; Deborah Kemp, DKRM Consulting


Employers should consider a union-avoidance strategy to minimize the chances of a union leading a successful union-organizing campaign. A proactive union-avoidance strategy should include measures designed to improve employer-employee relations. Employees who feel aggrieved are ripe for union organizing.

Without a union-avoidance strategy and corresponding employee relations plan, a non-union employer has a greater risk of becoming unionized. Meaning, the labor union will have the right to represent employees in negotiations for higher wages and enhanced benefits, resulting in higher costs to the employer and, consequently, affecting the employer's profitability. It may also result in losing employee trust, and bargaining with employees through a third party will make it difficult to repair or rebuild that trust.

This guide discusses steps an employer may take to remain union-free, including developing a proactive union-avoidance strategy, identifying employee concerns, training supervisors and engaging in ongoing communications with employees.