Recruiting: Oregon
Federal law and guidance on this subject should be reviewed together with this section.
Authors: Joy Ellis and Kathryn Landes Ball, Garvey Schubert Barer
- Oregon's Fair Employment Practices Act goes beyond federal law and applies to all employers regardless of size. See Oregon Anti-Discrimination Law.
- Oregon does not permit discriminatory recruiting against unemployed applicants by placing overt statements in job advertisements. See Discrimination Against Unemployed Applicants.
- Employers in Oregon generally may not require that prospective employees avoid using tobacco products during nonworking hours. See Smokers' Rights.
- Oregon has a statutory definition of "independent contractor" that goes beyond the Fair Labor Standards Act's definition. See Independent Contractors.
- Oregon laws establish certain rules for the working conditions for minors, including hours of work, rest and meal breaks, and making certain jobs off-limits. See Underage Workers.