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South Africa
Updated to include changes to the status of the proposed new measures for companies to report on wage differentials and that the amendment to the definition of designated employer has come into effect.
Updated to include a new definition for "designated employers".
Updated to include new information for designated employers and non-designated employers, and a change to the rates of the statutory national minimum wage effective from 1 March 2025.
Updated to include a new definition for a designated employer and new information on draft regulations that affect designated employers’ reporting obligations under the Employment Equity Act.
Updated to include additional information on maternity and pregnancy rights.
Updated to include information on the increase to the minimum allowances for learnerships.
Updated to reflect an increase to the earnings threshold, effective from 1 April 2024.
Enhanced to include new information on the employer’s duty to include coronavirus as a hazard or potential hazard to be eliminated or mitigated.
Enhanced to include information on official data services.
Enhanced to include additional information on dismissals on grounds of misconduct.
HR practices and employment law in South Africa.