Code of Conduct: New Policy Added

Author: Marta Moakley, Brightmine Legal Editor

An employer may clearly communicate its emphasis on high standards of ethics by adopting and implementing a code of conduct. Because the current business environment is replete with complex supplier and contractor relationships, global expansion initiatives and fierce competition, an employer should ensure that it has set forth its expectations with respect to minimizing any potential liability concerns related to actual or potential conflicts of interest.

While an employer may be required to adopt a code of conduct under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, all employers should consider implementing this policy in order to set expectations regarding financial integrity and overall legal compliance.

To assist employers in complying with ethics obligations and instilling a culture of integrity, HR & Compliance Center has added a Code of Conduct to the Policies and Documents tool. The resource establishes expectations regarding gifts, entertainment and payments, intellectual property and financial integrity.