New Mexico and Illinois Content Updated to Incorporate Same-Sex Marriage Rulings

Author: Melissa Burdorf, Brightmine Legal Editor

HR & Compliance Center has been updated to reflect new same-sex marriage rulings in Illinois and New Mexico.

In November, Illinois legalized same-sex marriage starting June 1, 2014. However, on December 16, a district court judge ruled that same-sex couples may marry immediately if one partner has a life-threatening illness. While the ruling applies to couples across the state, couples must apply to marry and get married in Cook County.

Shortly after, New Mexico joined the growing list of states allowing same-sex marriage. On December 19, the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that denying same-sex couples the right to marry violates the Equal Protection Clause of the New Mexico Constitution. Previously, New Mexico neither permitted nor prohibited same-sex marriage and eight counties had been issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

The following content has been updated in light of these rulings: