State Termination Pay Requirements: New Quick Reference Chart Added

Author: Rena Pirsos, Brightmine Legal Editor

State wage payment laws vary in regard to when an employer must provide a terminated employee with his or her final paycheck. It may be due within a certain number of days after termination, by the next regular payday, or the timing may depend on whether an employee quit or was fired. Different rules may apply for employers in certain industries and for temporary layoffs, lockouts and strikes.

Some states' laws also specify whether unused accrued vacation time must be paid on termination, whether the value of the time is forfeited, or whether the payment depends on the terms of an employer's policy, handbook, employment contract or collective bargaining agreement, if any.

Given that these laws hold employers liable for civil and criminal penalties if they fail to comply, employers with employees in more than one state must stay informed of all the applicable variations.

To help employers comply with these various laws, HR & Compliance Center has added a new State Termination Pay Requirements - Chart to the Quick Reference Tool. The chart summarizes the state termination pay requirements and penalties and includes any specific rules for employers in particular industries or labor situations. Rules regarding payment of unused, accrued vacation time, if any, are also included.

Additional Resources

Payroll > Payment of Wages > State Requirements