Affirmative Action: Federal
Author: James Cowan
- Affirmative action refers generally to actions, policies, and procedures implemented by an employer that are designed to achieve equal employment opportunity in the workplace. See Defining Affirmative Action.
- Federal contractors are required to implement affirmative action for certain target groups, including veterans and individuals with disabilities. See Laws Mandating Affirmative Action.
- An Affirmative Action Plan is a key element of implementing affirmative action. See Key Principles of Affirmative Action Plans.
- Covered contractors are subject to audits from the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) to ensure compliance and can take certain preemptive steps to avoid the enforcement and disciplinary actions by the OFCCP. See Enforcement and Audits.
State Requirements
The following states have additional requirements for this topic under applicable state law.
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- Wisconsin