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Disabilities (ADA): Arizona

Disabilities (ADA) requirements for other states

Federal law and guidance on this subject should be reviewed together with this section.

Author: Michelle Barrett Falconer, Littler


  • In addition to the federal equal opportunity laws, Arizona employers must comply with state and local law, including the Arizona Civil Rights Act. See Disability Discrimination in Arizona.
  • The Arizona Civil Rights Act specifically prohibits an employer from failing or refusing to hire or terminating any individual or otherwise discriminating against any individual with respect to the individual's compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of employment because of the individual's disability. See The Arizona Civil Rights Act.
  • Arizona law contains a specific prohibition against performing any genetic testing on individuals without that individual's informed consent, except for some limited purposes. See Genetic Testing.
  • Arizona law prohibits an employer from compelling an employee or applicant to disclose confidential communicable disease information absent specific and limited circumstances. See Communicable Disease - AIDS Testing.
  • Tucson has requirements pertaining to disability discrimination. See Local Requirements.