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FMLA: California

FMLA requirements for other states

Federal law and guidance on this subject should be reviewed together with this section.

Authors: Michelle Barrett Falconer, Littler


  • In addition to federal laws, employers may also be required to provide leave under a variety of state family and medical leave laws. See Family and Medical Leave.
  • The California Family Rights Act requires an employer with five or more employees to provide up to 12 weeks of leave in a 12-month period for the birth, adoption or foster care placement of child and for the employee's, a covered family member's, or a designated person's serious health condition. See California Family Rights Act.
  • Employees who are disabled by pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition may be eligible for up to four months of leave, a job transfer or other reasonable accommodations. See Pregnancy Disability Leave and Pregnancy Accommodation.
  • California's Family Temporary Disability Insurance program provides up to eight weeks of paid family leave insurance benefits every 12 months through California's state-run disability insurance program. See State Disability Insurance; Paid Family Leave.
  • Employees must be allowed to use sick leave to care for a sick family member. See Kin Care Leave.
  • Employers with 25 or more employees must allow an eligible employee to take up to 10 days of unpaid leave while the employee's spouse is on leave from deployment. See Family Military Leave.
  • San Francisco has requirements pertaining to paid family leave. See Local Requirements.