New Delaware Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Resources Added

Effective January 1, 2019, Delaware requires covered employers to educate employees with respect to sexual harassment issues. For larger employers, these requirements include offering sexual harassment prevention training to both supervisors and employees.

Covered employers must provide periodic, interactive training to both new hires and existing employees. For example, for existing supervisors, a covered employer must provide training no later than December 31, 2019, and then offer training every two years thereafter.

To help employers meet these compliance requirements, HR & Compliance Center has added two new resources to its Supervisor Training Tool:

An employer may seek additional guidance with respect to particular compliance obligations in other HR & Compliance Center resources, including the Training and Development: Delaware  and Harassment: Delaware sections of the Employment Law Manual, the Sexual Harassment Training by State 50-State Chart, the Train an Employee Task and the Sexual Harassment - Supervisor Training.