Minimum Wage, Antidiscrimination, Safety Training and More: International Manual Updated for Eight Countries

Author: Melissa A. Silver, Brightmine Legal Editor

Country guides in our International Manual have been updated with information about the following subjects:

Canada: Increased minimum wage in Manitoba; Newfoundland and Labrador; and Saskatchewan and additional information on safety awareness training for workers in Ontario.

Germany: Confirmation that disciplinary sanctions and procedures are not regulated by statute and minimum wage rate established for workers in industrial slaughterhouses.

Greece: Change in collective bargaining rules to allow for unilateral referral to arbitration.

Guernsey: Increased minimum wage and maximum offset rates and disability discrimination to be unlawful in late 2016.

Ireland: Proposed legislation to amend the rules on collective agreements and new system established for employment permits for employing foreign nationals.

Jersey: Employees with up to 26 weeks' service required to give notice to terminate contract, information relating to temporary agency workers, and increased maternity allowance rate and maternity grant that will be effective September 1, 2015.

South Africa: Prohibited discrimination grounds expanded to include any other arbitrary ground.

Venezuela: Increased national minimum wage and increase in daily value of food benefit provided in cash or voucher.