The Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls training session, examines the law and best practices for preventing slips, trips and falls in the workplace, has been enhanced to improve the content and appearance of the PowerPoint presentation.
The General Electrical Safety training session, which explains the importance of establishing electrical safety in the workplace and describes protective measures to create a safer working environment for employees, has been enhanced to improve the content and appearance of the PowerPoint presentation.
This article highlights key steps and strategies your organization can follow to prepare for medical emergencies and to encourage positive employee outcomes.
Civil money penalties for violations of federal employment laws rose as high as $137,602 following an annual inflation adjustment by the US Department of Labor (DOL).
Updated title for style (formerly Health and Safety); updated threshold to remove references to federal law; and updated statement for style and clarity.
A federal district court has ruled that a 2021 Montana law - which classified vaccination status as a protected characteristic under the state's antidiscrimination laws and barred employers from refusing employment or otherwise discriminating against individuals on that basis - is unconstitutional.