
Return of Company Property

New and Updated

  • Type:
    Policies and Procedures

    Company Property Policy

    Enhanced to improve the comprehensiveness, organization and scope of coverage.

  • Type:
    Letters and Forms

    Job Abandonment Letter

    This letter may be used when repeated attempts to contact an employee who has missed multiple consecutive shifts or days of work without notice or explanation have been unsuccessful.

  • Type:
    How To

    How to Conduct Remote Terminations Effectively

    This How To details the steps an employer should follow to handle remote terminations appropriately and humanely.

  • Type:
    Letters and Forms

    Return of Company Property Letter

    This letter may be used to inform departing employees of what they need to do to return company property in a timely manner.

  • Type:

    Handle a Separation From Employment Checklist

    This checklist may be used to help an employer determine the necessary steps and proper process for a separation from employment, whether voluntary or involuntary.

  • Type:

    Explore Furlough and Temporary Layoff Options Checklist

    This checklist may be used to explore an employer's furlough and temporary layoff options.

  • Type:
    Letters and Forms

    Nondisclosure Agreement With Return of Materials Provisions

    An employer may use this form agreement to protect against the dissemination of trade secrets and other employer property. This form should be used when an employee is initially hired within an organization, and steps should be taken to ensure that new and existing employees understand their responsibilities to maintain the confidentiality of the employer's business information.

  • Type:
    Letters and Forms

    Termination Notice Letter to Employee on FMLA Leave

    An employer may use this letter to properly notify an employee out on FMLA leave of the termination of their employment.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Return of Company Property Handbook Statement: California

    California employers seeking to advise employees of their responsibility to return company property when separating from employment should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Return of Company Property Handbook Statement

    Employers seeking to advise employees of their responsibility to return company property when separating employment should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

About This Topic

Advise employees of their responsibility to return company property.