In-depth review of the spectrum of Virginia employment law requirements HR must follow with respect to mass layoffs, reductions in force and plant closings.
An employer must file this form with the Georgia Department of Labor within 48 hours following a mass separation of 25 or more employees in one establishment on the same day for the same reason (other than a labor dispute).
An employer must file this form with the Georgia Department of Labor, in conjunction with DOL 402, within 48 hours following a mass separation of 25 or more employees in one establishment on the same day for the same reason (other than a labor dispute).
In-depth review of the spectrum of Michigan employment law requirements HR must follow in respect to mass layoffs, reductions in force and plant closings.
As mandated by the State of California, Employment Development Department (EDD), all employers are required to provide this notice to terminated employees.
HR guidance on risks associated with downsizing programs, methods to implement a safe program and cost-saving considerations for employers who choose to downsize.