California employers with 25 or more employees seeking to educate employees about the availability of accommodations and employer assistance to enroll in adult literacy programs and to demonstrate compliance with California law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
An employer may use this form to address poor performance in a way that specifically identifies areas of underperformance and encourages appropriate goal setting. The PIP process is much more individualized and requires an employee to be actively engaged in solving performance problems.
An employer may use this survey when considering initiating a structured succession planning process. Gathering input from key stakeholders and parties involved in the process has several potential benefits for the employer.
Arizona employers should consider including this statement in their handbook to communicate to employees their rights under the Employment Protection Act, Arizona's constructive discharge law.
Employers seeking to provide employees with information on the review process including a description of the employer's philosophy on performance reviews, how often they are conducted and whether employment decisions will be made based on the performance review should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
Employers seeking to advise employees that they will match donations provided to charitable organizations and activities should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.