
Employee Discipline

New and Updated

  • Type:
    Letters and Forms

    Employee Management Disciplinary Notice Letter

    This letter may be used to formally notify an employee that they have failed to improve conduct at work after receiving a first written warning.

  • Type:
    How To

    How to Design a Disciplinary Procedure

    This How To guides employers on designing a disciplinary procedure that will help protect against successful employee claims and make for a more productive working environment.

  • Type:
    How To

    How to Charge an Employee With Disciplinary Action

    This How To guides employers on adhering to standardized discipline procedures and good documentation practices that will help the employer mount a defense if the disciplined employee later brings a complaint or lawsuit.

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    Employee Misconduct - Supervisor Training

    This training session for supervisors examines the law and best practices regarding employee misconduct, including policies, alternatives to discipline and discipline procedures.

  • Type:
    Employment Law Guide

    Retaliation: Wyoming

    In-depth review of the spectrum of Wyoming employment law requirements HR must follow with respect to EEO - Retaliation

  • Type:
    Letters and Forms

    Disciplinary Investigation Results in No Action Letter

    An employer may use this letter after a disciplinary investigation against an employee has determined that no discipline is required. This letter will alert the employee to the results of the investigation while also reiterating that the employee must continue to display proper conduct.

  • Type:
    Letters and Forms

    Written Warning Form

    An employer may use this form to create a written warning against an employee after an employee has failed to appropriately respond to verbal warnings. A written warning should be extremely detailed and representative of past warnings.

  • Type:
    Letters and Forms

    Continued Poor Attendance Caution Letter

    This letter may be used as a final warning to an employee for poor attendance. This letter should only be sent to an employee only after an initial employer warning failed to elicit a change in employee behavior.

  • Type:
    Letters and Forms

    Final Written Warning Letter

    This letter may be used as a final warning before suspension to an employee who has failed to improve conduct at work after receiving a first written warning.

  • Type:
    Letters and Forms

    Confirmation of Informal Discussion of Minor Misconduct Letter

    An employer may use this letter to establish an agreement reached between the employer and employee as a result of an employee's minor misconduct.

About This Topic

HR and legal considerations regarding fair and consistent employee discipline. Advice on disciplining with effective results, no discrimination.