
Employee Discipline

New and Updated

  • Type:

    What should an employer do if an employee refuses to comply with a dress code?

  • Type:
    Employment Law Guide

    Retaliation: Georgia

    In-depth review of the spectrum of Georgia employment law requirements HR must follow with respect to equal employment opportunity and retaliation.

  • Type:
    Leading Practice Guides

    Attendance Management

    Leading practice guidance discussing the management of attendance, including attendance procedures, attendance review meetings, possible causes of frequent non-attendance and ways of encouraging and promoting attendance.

  • Type:
    Leading Practice Guides

    Handling Disciplinary Issues Properly

    Leading practice guidance discussing managing disciplinary issues, including establishing a disciplinary procedure, conducting an investigation, conducting disciplinary interviews and determining the discipline to impose.

  • Type:
    Employment Law Guide

    Retaliation: Kentucky

    In-depth review of the spectrum of Kentucky employment law requirements HR must follow with respect to equal employment opportunity and retaliation.

  • Type:
    Leading Practice Guides

    Conducting Disciplinary Interviews

    Leading practice guidance discussing disciplinary interviews, including setting up and preparing for the interview, questioning techniques, listening skills and deciding the outcome of the interview.

  • Type:
    How To

    How to Deal With an Employee Who Is Habitually Late

    Employee tardiness should be addressed by supervisors and management in a serious and professional manner. Management should follow the steps in this How To when dealing with any employee who is habitually late before that employee's tardiness escalates into a larger issue for the employer.

  • Type:
    How To

    How to Correct an Attendance Problem

    This How To details the steps a prudent employer should take to correct an attendance problem.

  • Type:

    Discipline a Union Employee

  • Type:

    Terminate an At-Will Employee for Misconduct Checklist

    This checklist may be used to help an employer determine the necessary steps and proper process in terminating an at-will employee for misconduct.

About This Topic

HR and legal considerations regarding fair and consistent employee discipline. Advice on disciplining with effective results, no discrimination.