- Type:
- Handbook Templates
West Virginia employers seeking to educate employees about meal break requirements and inform supervisors about the need to provide meal breaks or opportunities to eat a meal while working should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
West Virginia employers that employ minor employees under age 16 and seek to inform the minor employees and their supervisors about legally required meal breaks and to demonstrate compliance with West Virginia law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
West Virginia employers seeking to educate employees, including supervisors, about the availability of jury duty leave and to demonstrate compliance with West Virginia's jury duty leave law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
West Virginia employers seeking to educate employees about the availability of time off for voting and to show their compliance with West Virginia's voting leave law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Employers seeking to advise employees that workers' compensation insurance is available and instruct them to promptly report any work-related injury or illness should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Idaho employers seeking to educate employees, including supervisors, about the availability of jury duty leave and to demonstrate compliance with Idaho's jury duty leave law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Idaho employers seeking to prohibit smoking in the workplace should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Arizona employers seeking to explain how the handbook and supplement should be read together and that neither the handbook nor the supplement alter an employee's at-will status should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Idaho employers seeking to explain how the handbook and supplement should be read together and that neither the handbook nor the supplement alter an employee's at-will status should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Idaho employers should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.