- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Iowa employers seeking to educate employees about the availability of time off for voting and to show their compliance with Iowa's voting leave law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Iowa employers with more than 20 or more full-time employees that seek to show their compliance with Iowa law regarding elected official and state board leave should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Iowa employers seeking to show their compliance with Iowa law regarding volunteer emergency responder leave law and to inform employees, including supervisors, about the availability of leave for this purpose should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Iowa employers seeking to inform employees about the availability of time off for qualifying veterans on Veterans Day and the appropriate procedures and eligibility requirements for the leave should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Iowa employers seeking to inform employees that they will not be terminated solely for attending a legally required course for drinking drivers should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Iowa employers with enclosed workplace areas should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Iowa employers seeking to show their compliance with Iowa law, to promote driving safety and to limit liability from accidents involving employees who are driving and using electronic devices for work-related purposes or in a company-owned vehicle should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Alabama covered employers with enclosed workplace areas should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook to demonstrate their compliance with Alabama law.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
Alabama employers seeking to educate employees about the availability of leave for emergency responders and to demonstrate compliance with Alabama's emergency responder leave law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
This policy template was reviewed with respect to the National Labor Relations Board’s Stericycle ruling and no updates were required.