
Social Media

New and Updated

  • Type:
    Policies and Procedures

    Social Media Policy

    Enhanced to improve the comprehensiveness, organization and scope of coverage.

  • Type:
    Employment Law Guide

    Interviewing and Selecting Job Candidates: Oregon

    Updated to reflect private right of action under salary history inquiry law, effective January 1, 2024.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Social Media Handbook Statement

    Updated statement to enhance content and clarify scope of the policy; and updated guidance to reflect the National Labor Relations Board's Stericycle ruling. 

  • Type:

    Monitoring Employee Use of Employer Information Systems - Supervisor Training

    The Monitoring Employee Use of Employer Information Systems training session, which examines the law and best practices regarding employee use of an employer's information and technology systems, has been enhanced to improve the content and appearance of the PowerPoint presentation.

  • Type:
    Quick Reference

    Social Media Policies Dos and Don'ts

    Updated with respect to the National Labor Relations Board’s August 2023 Stericycle ruling, which adopted a new legal standard for evaluating the validity of workplace rules under the National Labor Relations Act.

  • Type:
    Employment Law Guide

    Employee Privacy: Federal

    Updated with respect to the National Labor Relations Board’s August 2023 Stericycle ruling, which adopted a new legal standard for evaluating the validity of workplace rules under the National Labor Relations Act.

  • Type:

    What types of social media policies have been found unlawful?

    Updated with respect to the National Labor Relations Board’s August 2023 Stericycle ruling, which adopted a new legal standard for evaluating the validity of workplace rules under the National Labor Relations Act.

  • Type:
    How To

    How to Draft and Enforce a Social Media Policy in the Workplace

    Updated with respect to the National Labor Relations Board’s August 2023 Stericycle ruling, which adopted a new legal standard for evaluating the validity of workplace rules under the National Labor Relations Act.

  • Type:
    How To

    How to Manage Wearable Devices at Work

    Updated with respect to the National Labor Relations Board’s August 2023 Stericycle ruling, which adopted a new legal standard for evaluating the validity of workplace rules under the National Labor Relations Act.

  • Date:
    September 21, 2023

    New York Passes Even More New Employment Laws

    New York will soon require employers to provide employees notice of unemployment benefits, prohibit employers from demanding social media or email logins, and increase the weekly salary threshold for exemptions from wage payment laws.

About This Topic

HR guidance on creating policies on social media in the workplace. Support on creating enforceable, useful policies on social media at work.