- Type:
- Editor's Choice
Updated to address leave implications of the Supreme Court's ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization.
- Type:
- Letters and Forms
This letter may be used to remind employees about the importance of maintaining a respectful workplace following significant political or social events. This letter may also be used to outline expectations surrounding employee discussions, use of social media and other workplace conduct.
- Date:
- June 27, 2022
- Type:
- News
In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which held that the Constitution does not protect a right to abortion, employers face challenges in areas ranging from benefit plans to social media to off-duty conduct policies and more.
- Type:
- Posters and Notices
As mandated by the CT Department of Labor, covered employers must provide a written notice of rights to employees under the Connecticut Family and Medical Leave Act (CTFMLA) and the Connecticut Paid Leave Act (CTPL) and may use this prototype notice for that purpose.
- Type:
- Posters and Notices
As mandated by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, covered employers must display the New Mexico Paid Sick Leave Notice Poster.
- Type:
- Quick Reference
Updated to include paid sick leave notice-posting requirements.
- Type:
- Quick Reference
This chart will assist employers and employees alike in ensuring they use inclusive language so that all feel that they are welcome, seen, heard and respected, regardless of their backgrounds.
- Type:
- Posters and Notices
As mandated by the Maryland Department of Labor, an employer that operates in Howard County, Maryland must post the Maryland Minimum Wage and Overtime for Howard County Poster.
- Type:
- Quick Reference
Updated to include Howard County notice-posting requirements.
- Type:
- Handbook Templates
New York employers that "monitor or otherwise intercept" their employees' telephone calls, email or internet access or usage by any electronic device or system should consider including this statement in their handbook to demonstrate their compliance with New York's Civil Rights Law.