
Employee Lifecycle

New and Updated

  • Type:
    Editor's Choice

    Coming Soon

    Updated to include information on forthcoming Family and Medical Leave Form Templates in Miami-Dade County, Florida, Vermont and Wisconsin.

  • Type:
    Editor's Choice

    HR KPIs to Prioritize for Success in 2024

    HR is positioned to provide organization leaders concrete data essential to the success of the overall business. This resource discusses key performance indicators (KPIs) for 2024 that HR should prioritize in support of organizational success; metrics to track and measure progress; and how to set KPI goals.

  • Date:
    October 24, 2023
    Commentary and Insights

    The First 30-Days Is Make-or-Break: How to Ensure Onboarding Is a Success

    Finding top talent is difficult. Keeping top talent is equally a challenge. New hires form first impressions quickly and those impressions result in their decisions to stay with the organization or leave. Onboarding experiences are key in helping new recruits to a "stay" choice. Read on for keys to successful onboarding experiences in today' world of work.

  • Type:
    Leading Practice Guides

    Workforce Planning

    Updated to include information on common misconceptions about workforce planning and the benefits of workforce planning, and to improve the comprehensiveness, organization and scope of coverage.

  • Date:
    December 14, 2022
    Podcasts and Webinars

    Webinar: Succession planning - Key to Protecting Your Business

    In this 60-minute webinar, Laci Loew helps you learn more about succession planning: what it is; the data about it; who is doing it right; and how to get it jumpstarted in your organization.

  • Type:
    How To

    How to Deliver a Positive Employee Experience

    This guide provides the steps an employer should follow to deliver a positive employee experience.

  • Date:
    April 24, 2020
    Benchmarking and Surveys

    HR Roles and Responsibilities 2020: HR & Compliance Center Survey Report

    In this survey report, XpertHR explores HR's responsibilities and resources. In particular, this study examines essential information on HR staff composition, HR reporting structure, the ratio of HR staff to the overall workforce, and HR budgets.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Service Awards Handbook Statement

    Employers seeking to advise employees of a service-awards program demonstrating that the company appreciates and encourages employee loyalty should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Exit Interviews Handbook Statement

    Employers seeking to advise employees of the company's exit process should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

About This Topic

HR guidance on the complete employee lifecycle.