- Type:
- Posters and Notices
As mandated by the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs, New York City fast food employers subject to the New York City Fast Food Deductions Law must post the New York City Fast Food Deductions Notice Poster.
- Type:
- Posters and Notices
As mandated by the Oklahoma State Department of Health, every employer covered by the Smoking in Public Places and Indoor Workplaces Act must post the Oklahoma Breathe Easy decals.
- Type:
- Legal Timetable
- Type:
- Legal Timetable
- Type:
- Quick Reference
In addition to federal posting requirements, a Connecticut employer should ensure compliance with individual state and local requirements for workplace posters. This chart contains information regarding Connecticut-specific notice posting requirements.
- Type:
- Posters and Notices
As mandated by Connecticut's Department of Labor and Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, covered employers should post the Connecticut Pregnancy Discrimination Notice Poster.
- Type:
- Posters and Notices
As mandated by the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Equal Rights Commission, every employer covered by the state's equal employment opportunity laws must post the Nevada Pregnant Workers' Fairness Act Poster.
- Type:
- Posters and Notices
As mandated by the California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology, covered employers must post the California Barbering and Cosmetology Establishments Posting Notice.
- Type:
- Posters and Notices
As mandated by the City of Emeryville's Department of Economic Development and Housing, all employers subject to the Emeryville Fair Workweek Employment Standards Ordinance must post the Emeryville, California, Fair Work Week Poster.
- Type:
- Posters and Notices
As mandated by the City of Emeryville's Department of Economic Development and Housing, all employers subject to the Emeryville Fair Workweek Employment Standards Ordinance must distribute the Emeryville, California, Fair Work Week Advance Notice of Work Schedules Form.