
Employee Leave Management

New and Updated

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Emergency Responder Leave Handbook Statement: Rhode Island

    Rhode Island employers seeking to educate employees, including supervisors, about the availability of leave for volunteer emergency responders and to demonstrate compliance with Rhode Island's Volunteer Firefighter and Emergency Technician Protection Act should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Mandatory Time Off / Day of Rest Handbook Statement: Wisconsin

    Wisconsin employers operating a factory or mercantile establishment should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook to inform employees that they will receive one day of rest in each period of seven consecutive days and to demonstrate compliance with Wisconsin's day of rest law.

  • Type:
    Legal Timetable

    Delaware to Add Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Offenses or Stalking

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Pregnancy Accommodation Handbook Statement: Rhode Island

    Rhode Island covered employers seeking to educate employees about the availability of reasonable accommodations for pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, including the need to express breast milk for a nursing child, and to demonstrate compliance with the State Fair Employment Practices Act (SFEPA) should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Policies and Procedures

    Sample Massachusetts Earned Sick Time Policy

    Massachusetts has released a sample earned sick time policy that an employer can use as guidance to inform employees of their rights.

  • Type:
    Letters and Forms

    Massachusetts Employee Verification Regarding Authorized Use of Earned Sick Time

    A Massachusetts employer may use this model form if it requires employees to verify in writing that they have used earned sick time for an allowable purpose.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Pregnancy Accommodation Handbook Statement: Nebraska

    Nebraska covered employers seeking to educate employees about the availability of reasonable accommodations for pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions and to demonstrate compliance with Nebraska law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Employment Law Guide

    FMLA: Wyoming

    In-depth review of the spectrum of Wyoming employment law requirements HR must follow with respect to FMLA.

  • Type:
    Employment Law Guide

    FMLA: Wisconsin

    In-depth review of the spectrum of Wisconsin employment law requirements HR must follow with respect to FMLA.

  • Type:
    Employment Law Guide

    FMLA: West Virginia

    In-depth review of the spectrum of West Virginia employment law requirements HR must follow with respect to FMLA.