
Employee Leave Management

New and Updated

  • Type:
    How To

    How to Terminate for FMLA Fraud or Abuse

    An employer may want to immediately terminate an employee it believes is abusing or fraudulently taking leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The employer would be wise to follow the steps in this How To before terminating an employee for FMLA fraud or abuse.

  • Type:
    How To

    How to Curb FMLA Abuse

    This How To details the steps a prudent employer should take to curb abuse of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

  • Type:
    Letters and Forms

    Termination Notice Letter to Employee on FMLA Leave

    An employer may use this letter to properly notify an employee out on FMLA leave of the termination of their employment.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Election Officer Leave Handbook Statement: California

    California employers seeking to educate employees about the availability of time off for election officers and show compliance with California law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Accommodation for Drug or Alcohol Treatment or Rehabilitation Handbook Statement: California

    California employers with 25 or more employees seeking to educate employees about the availability of accommodations to voluntarily enter and participate in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program and to demonstrate compliance with California law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Paid Sick Leave Handbook Statement: Long Beach, California

    Covered hotel employers in the City of Long Beach seeking to educate employees about the availability of paid sick leave and to show their compliance with Long Beach's paid sick leave ordinance should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Jury and Witness Duty Leave Handbook Statement: California

    California employers seeking to educate employees, including supervisors, about the availability of jury and witness duty leave and to demonstrate their compliance with California's jury and witness duty leave law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Family Military Leave Handbook Statement: California

    California employers with 25 or more employees seeking to inform employees about the availability of family military leave, the eligibility requirements and leave request procedures and to demonstrate compliance with the California Military and Veterans Code should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Employment Law Guide

    Workers' Compensation: Vermont

    In-depth review of the spectrum of Vermont employment law requirements HR must follow with respect to workers' compensation.

  • Type:
    Employment Law Guide

    Workers' Compensation: South Carolina

    In-depth review of the spectrum of South Carolina employment law requirements HR must follow with respect to workers' compensation.