
Employee Leave Management

New and Updated

  • Type:
    Employment Law Guide

    Workers' Compensation: Louisiana

    In-depth review of the spectrum of Louisiana employment law requirements HR must follow with respect to workers' compensation.

  • Type:
    Employment Law Guide

    Workers' Compensation: Delaware

    In-depth review of the spectrum of Delaware employment law requirements HR must follow in respect to workers' compensation.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Emergency Responder Leave Handbook Statement: New Jersey

    New Jersey employers seeking to educate employees about the availability of leave for emergency responders and to demonstrate compliance with New Jersey's emergency responder leave law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Jury Duty Leave Handbook Statement: New Jersey

    New Jersey employers seeking to educate employees, including supervisors, about the availability of jury duty and to demonstrate their compliance with New Jersey's jury duty leave law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Civil Air Patrol Leave Handbook Statement: Washington

    Washington employers with 20 or more full-time equivalent employees in the previous year seeking to educate employees about the availability of leave for Civil Air Patrol service and to demonstrate their compliance with Washington law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Jury Duty Leave Handbook Statement: Washington

    Washington employers seeking to educate employees, including supervisors, about the availability of jury duty leave and to demonstrate their compliance with Washington's jury duty leave law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Family Military Leave Handbook Statement: Washington

    Washington employers seeking to educate employees about the availability of family military leave and its eligibility requirements and to demonstrate compliance with Washington's military family leave law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Military Leave Handbook Statement: Washington

    Washington employers seeking to educate employees about the availability of leave for military duty and to demonstrate compliance with Washington's military leave law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook .

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Jury Duty Leave Handbook Statement: Maine

    Maine employers seeking to educate employees, including supervisors, about the availability of jury duty leave and to demonstrate their compliance with Maine's jury duty leave law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.

  • Type:
    Handbook Templates

    Legislative Leave Handbook Statement: Maine

    Maine employers with more than five employees seeking to educate employees, including supervisors, about the availability of leave to serve in the Maine state legislature and to show their compliance with Maine law should consider including this model policy statement in their handbook.