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Civic Duty
Updated statement to clarify leave protections under the law and updated guidance to include information on leave protections for victims of violence.
Updated to reflect amendments to the jury duty leave law, effective January 1, 2025.
Updated guidance to reflect final rules clarifying requirements regarding employee requests for leave and employer notice, effective May 10, 2024.
Updated statement and guidance to reflect amendments that add protections for employees called to jury service, effective July 1, 2024.
Updated to reflect amendments to the juror protection statute adding protections for employees called to jury service, effective July 1, 2024.
Updated statement to address time off to vote during the early voting period.
Updated statement to include option to offer nonexempt employees either paid or unpaid time off to vote.
Enhanced to improve the comprehensiveness, organization and scope of coverage.
HR guidance on employee leave rights to perform civic duties.