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Updated to reflect changes to apprenticeships, and to the bonus payable to students on work placements.
Updated to include new information on the end of the occupational security contract (CSP) scheme.
Updated to reflect changes to state pension rules.
Enhanced to include information on benefits in kind.
Updated to reflect an increase to the Unit of Measure and Update, relevant to fines for breach of the provisions regarding young workers and foreign nationals.
Updated to reflect an increase to the Unit of Measure and Update.
Updated to reflect a change to the capped amount for calculating statutory severance payments.
Updated to reflect changes to rules on work visas/work permits, and an increase to the fine for failing to employ people with disabilities.
Updated to reflect an increase to the compensation payable for failing to inform and consult in a collective redundancy situation.
Updated to reflect changes to the fines payable for health and safety breaches.
HR practices and employment law in countries outside the USA, along with global HR issues.